Rep Imagenol Dentomaxilofacial 2024 enero-junio; 3(1): 2024030105
e-ISSN: 2791-1888|
Disponible en: hps://publicaciones.svrid.org.ve/index.php/rid
De Araujo, et al.
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trauma with a toothpick is a relatively common
occurrence in dental practice and can result in
several complications, as in the case of the patient
in question who developed AVF in the tongue
Ultrasonographic evaluation is essential for the
accurate diagnosis of oral lesions, as demonstrated
in this clinical case. The fact that it offers a high
quality and radiation-free image; real-time
images; ease of access and low cost are criteria
that make this method eligible compared to
. Color Doppler is an ultrasound technique
that allows you to evaluate blood ow in real time,
which is especially useful for detecting AVFs. The
examination showed that the lesion was vascular,
with arterial and venous blood ow, conrming
the diagnosis of AVF
The patient presented with a nodule on the
right lateral edge of the tongue, which was initially
attributed to trauma with a toothpick. However,
ultrasound evaluation revealed the presence of
AVF, which is an anomalous communication
between an artery and a vein
Embolization of the artery responsible for the
AVF is an effective procedure for treating this
condition, as was performed in this patient. The
importance of ultrasound evaluation is evident in
this case, as the lesion was not easily identied on
clinical examination, but was promptly diagnosed
by ultrasound
This case highlights the importance of careful
evaluation of oral lesions, especially in patients
who report trauma or have lesions that do not
improve after initial treatment. Ultrasonography is
a valuable tool for diagnosing oral vascular lesions,
such as AVF, and should be considered as part of
the initial evaluation of these patients
AVFs, although rare in the oral cavity, can occur
and lead to important clinical repercussions,
depending on the magnitude. Its diagnosis is
related to the levels of progression of the disease
and must therefore be carried out quickly and
accurately. The use of Doppler ultrasonography
plays an important role in this dynamic, allowing
the visualization of vascular structures in a dynamic
and safe way, allowing vascular assessment in real
time. The approach taken by this work contributes
signicantly to the differential diagnosis aspects
of this condition. We believe that new studies
must be carried out, aiming at uniformity and
deepening the clinical approach to diagnostic
Conict of interest: The authors declare that they
have no conict of interest with this work.
Corresponding author:
Ayrton Galvão de Araujo Junior. Av. Coronel
Francisco Moreira, 27, Centro, Santa Quitéria do
Maranhão - MA. Faculty of Ciências Humanas,
Exatas e da Saúde do Piauí/Instituto de Educação
Superior do Vale do Parnaíba (FAHESP/IESVAP).
Parnaíba-PI. Brasil. dr.ayrtonjunior@hotmail.com
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