About the Journal


Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial (RID), is a scientific publication aimed at reporting cases and case series of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology and Imaging, open access and peer reviewed. Likewise, editorials, technical reports, short communications and pictorial reviews are accepted. It constitutes the journal of the Sociedad Venezolana de Radiología e Imagenología Dentomaxilofacial.


RID is published twice a year (January-June and July-December) with a CONTINUOUS publication format, starting with Volume 1 of the year 2023, on the OJS platform under the URL: https://publicaciones.svrid.org. see/index.php/rid; internationally it is identified with ISSN: 2791-1888. Submissions are accepted in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The journal may include Special Issues (in case of support for national or international meetings and conferences), whose content must be peer reviewed in the same way as the conventional material published in it. Submission of manuscripts is open at any time of the year.



Articles that raise aspects of the journal's policy, current issues and research in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology and Imaging. They are presented at the request of the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine. The total number of words in the manuscript should not exceed 1500 words, including references.

Case reports

It is the presentation of a case or series of cases, with emphasis on the imaging aspect of an anatomical variant, anomaly or pathology present in the dentomaxillofacial complex. The total number of words in the manuscript should not exceed 1800, not including figure legends and references. Case reports must include the following sections: Introduction, Case presentation, Discussion and References.

Technical reports

The technical report describes a technique, image analysis procedure or software of interest to the clinician and researcher. The report has a maximum of 4000 words, including figure legends and references, and presents the following structure: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and References.

Short communications

Short communications represent articles that describe original work in its initial phase and do not represent the entire research. This type of article contains between 1000 and 2000 words, not including figure legends and references, following the structure of an original work: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References.

Pictorial reviews

Pictorial reviews constitute a type of narrative review where the figures have special relevance, contain between 1000-3000 words, including the legends of the figures and references, and require the following structure: Introduction, Subtitles that organize the relevant information, Discussion (Optional), Conclusions and References.


DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial uses DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as a Persistent Digital Identifier for the standardization and normalization of electronic publications.

ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID)
Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial uses ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID), which is a unique identifier whose main purpose is to provide researchers with a persistent and unambiguous author code that clearly distinguishes their scientific production and avoids confusion linked to scientific authorship and existence. of matching or similar personal names. The ORCID ID of a researcher will always be the same, thus overcoming linguistic aspects, institutional affiliation and incidents linked to the normalization of the scientific signature.


The articles can be viewed and downloaded from social media, such as Instagram (@reporte.dentomaxilofacial) or LinkedIn where you can follow us and receive the news published there. RID also has a blog “School for Authors” dedicated to providing useful information to our authors about scientific communication. Likewise, we have an academic profile in Google Scholar and the ORCID identifier

Contact information

Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial

ISSN: 2791-1888

Address: Félix Boada Clinic Building, Bolívar Street, Nº 59, Baruta, Caracas Venezuela.

Email: reportimagenologico@svrid.org.ve

Web: https://svrid.org.ve/


Main contact

Ana Isabel Ortega-Villalobos

Editor in Chief

Email: anitaortegav@gmail.com