Protocol for the characterization of retained canines by cone beam computed tomography




Cone Beam tomography, impacted teeth, cuspid


Introduction: Cone  beam  computed  tomography  (CBCT)  provides  precise  information  on  the  patient’s anatomy, one of its most frequent indications being the evaluation of impacted and/or retained teeth. Maxillary canines are the most commonly retained/impacted teeth after third molars, making it essential to use tools that facilitate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning. Objective: to present a protocol to characterize retained/impacted canines using TCHC. Materials and Methods: 188 CBCT examinations  belonging  to  patients  of  both  sexes  aged  12-73  years  were  evaluated.  Characteristics  of  depth, angulation, presentation, root state, degree of inclusion, relationship with adjacent structures and associated pathologies were identified. Results: Most of the patients (64.4%, n=121) were female. 147 canines (63.1%) were found to be impacted with deep retention. The retention angulation was classified mostly by mesioangular canines, representing 48.1% of the sample (n=112 ); Evaluating the presentation results, those located towards the palatal/lingual side predominated (45.9%, n=107). Regarding the root state, 183 canines (78.5%) presented complete rhizogenesis. The predominant degree of inclusion was subgingival in  174  canines  (74.7%).  When  evaluating  the  alterations  that  these  retained  teeth  caused  in  adjacent  structures, it was found that 65.2% (n=152) of the sample did not generate any damage. Conclusions: the presented protocol allowed us to systematically assess and through specific parameters, the relationship of the retained/impacted canines with the adjacent dental units and anatomical structures of interest, which makes it possible to formulate a more appropriate diagnosis and therapy for the patient.


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How to Cite

De Salvo, L. (2023). Protocol for the characterization of retained canines by cone beam computed tomography. Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial, 2(1), e2023020105.