Osteoma perióstico localizado en cuerpo mandibular. Reporte de caso





Osteoma peripheral, neoplasia, jaw, periosteum, cone-beam computed tomography


Osteoma is a benign lesion characterized by the proliferation of bone tissue. It frequently occurs in the region of the maxillofacial complex, and tends to manifest in the paranasal sinuses, mandible but rarely in the maxilla, proliferation manifests in compact and soft bone tissue. The growth is slow and asymptomatic and is usually detected in the advanced state of growth. It is divided into three types: central that forms in the endosteum, peripheral that derives from the periosteum and exoskeletal that proliferates in the soft tissues, especially muscles. Treatment depends on knowledge of the lesion, the location, and its clinical manifestations, which allows for better diagnosis and treatment. The subject of this study is a 59-year-old female patient who came into the specialty service for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Unit at Instituto Jalisciense de Cirugía Reconstructiva (the Jalisciense Institute of Reconstructive Surgery), with facial deformities that had evolved over a five-year period. Clinical, radiographic, and tomographic, examinations were performed which showed a radiopaque bone excrescence with radiolucent foci of the compact bone superimposed at the base of the mandible. Panoramic radiography and Cone beam computed tomography are the most widely used imaging studies used to determine the location, extent, and anatomical relationships of the lesion. To facilitate an adequate, successful therapeutic management of the pathology, diagnostic imaging is fundamental and complements the clinical evaluation to show the pathology at every stage of treatment.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Ruiz, N., Piña-D’Abreu, M., Rosas-Vázquez, A., & Miranda-Becerril, G. (2024). Osteoma perióstico localizado en cuerpo mandibular. Reporte de caso . Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial, 3(1), e2024030106. https://doi.org/10.60094/RID.20240301-37

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