Sinuous Channel, a radiographic finding




maxillary, canal, computed tomography, anatomic variation, implants (MeSH)


The sinuous canal is an intraosseous canal located in the anterior region of the maxilla. The lack of knowledge about its existence or location can generate risks during some surgical interventions. The case of a 65-year-old female patient is presented, who is referred by an endodontist to perform dental organ extraction 1.3. Imaging evaluation of maxillary cone beam computed tomography was performed, where coronal, sagittal and axial slices were observed. As an imaging finding, a bilateral canal-shaped hypodense image was observed that showed a path through the lateral wall and floor of the nasal cavities heading towards the alveolar ridge in the coronal section. It is of clinical relevance to know about the existence of the sinuous canal, which despite being described by some authors as a rare anatomical variation, is a fairly common structure that contains the anterosuperior alveolar vascular-nervous package, so knowledge about its characteristics is of utmost importance to avoid possible trans or postoperative complications in the different surgical procedures performed in that region.


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How to Cite

Visicchio Cusati, S., & Manresa Bruguera, C. (2024). Sinuous Channel, a radiographic finding. Reporte Imagenológico Dentomaxilofacial, 3(2).