Peer review


Manuscripts will be first evaluated by the Editorial Committee, who will review compliance with the Guidelines for Authors and the editorial policies of RID. Subsequently, the manuscript will be sent to an external blind peer review (DOUBLE BLIND ARBITRATION), who are selected for their expertise and knowledge of the subject matter of the paper. The reviewer will evaluate the work according to international standards and criteria of quality, creativity, originality and contribution to knowledge.

A reviewer has the following characteristics: knowledge of the subject matter of the manuscript, not belonging to the current board of directors of the Venezuelan Society of Radiology and Dentomaxillofacial Imaging, must be recognized as a researcher and academic, with responsibility and discretion in the evaluation. Reviewers do not receive remuneration. The review used by RID is double-blind, where the reviewer remains anonymous to the author, and the names of the authors are not disclosed to the peer reviewers.

The reviewers' evaluation considers the following categories:

1. accepted for publication without modifications: immediate acceptance and publication of the paper in its current presentation.

2. Accepted for publication with minor changes: minor observations (aspects of form) are recommendations to improve the quality of the article, but may or may not be taken into account by the authors.

3. Accepted for publication with major changes: major observations (substantive aspects) are those whose resolution is essential for the possible publication of the article.

4. Unacceptable for publication: it is a paper that is not publishable and does not accept appeals.

The reviewers should justify the qualification assigned to the work, however, the decision of the acceptance of the manuscript for publication will be in charge of the Editorial Committee of the Journal. The paper has the status of ACCEPTED when it has passed the review process and the author has made all the corrections and modifications indicated. The accepted paper is sent for style and layout correction. The typeset version (galley proof) will be sent to the author for review and returned in conformity.

RID reserves the right to accept the submitted papers and request the modifications it considers pertinent, as well as to standardize the manuscript according to the journal's style. The process of selection of articles should not exceed six months (180 continuous days), during which time the authors are prevented from submitting their work simultaneously to other journals.